Can you believe we got to get stitches AGAIN yesterday?!! You have to love all the excitement around our house. Kyle was standing on a stool to reach his gloves in the top of the coat closet because it actually snowed here yesterday...Yuck - I hate the snow! He fell, big surprise, and hit his knee on the edge of the stool .... who knew stools could be so sharp?! It was very deep and bleeding a lot ....so off to the Instacare for 3 stitches and a bandage. We are thankful for small owies - maybe, like small earthquakes, it means we'll avoid the big ones!!!
OHHH DEARRR!! Sorry to hear about Kyle and his stiches! We are VERY fortunate, and I hate to even type this, as I'll jinx myself - but we haven't had that experience yet - of "stiches", and don't look forward to when we do! UGH! Kids!!!
Jody - I found you! This is your neice and now we can be blogging buddies :)
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