Mom, Dad, Kyle, Carson, Cole, Ryan
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Hair 4 The New Year!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Day 2008!!
We had a wonderful Christmas celebrating and just having a beautiful day with our family! We woke the kids up around 6:45 AM because Chris couldn't wait any longer -just an oversize child giving me 5 boys instead of 4 - but no complaints from me - it is so much fun! The kids opened all their presents and then Grandma & Grandpa Christensen came over to help un-box everything and put it all together with batteries and such - a huge help! Then we had a yummy dinner at Grandma & Grandpa Koch's with more presents and cousin-fun. We spent the rest of the day relaxing, playing with toys and watching Kung Fu Panda which mom fell asleep during - a very long, fun day!! Hope you all had a great one, too!
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Tooth Fairy Didn't Come!
I am a loser mom. The other day Carson lost a tooth and put it under his pillow. He then went to bed and woke up the next day with his tooth still there. I had a very sad little boy until, amazingly, the tooth fairy texted him on his mom's phone and told him she was sooo sorry she couldn't come because she got snowed in. :) He felt much better...WHEW!!!
The next night, the loser tooth fairy mom wore a rubber band around her fingers to help her remember to "dig herself out of the snow" and go down to take the tooth and give him a dollar and sugarless gum as he had so clearly suggested. Boy, were we all so happy when he woke up and discovered his treasure!
Glad we dodged this bullet - who thought up the tooth fairy anyway?!
Christmas Parties & Performances
This week has been full of planning and carrying out Christmas School parties for my kids. Cole had a sing-along program and visit from Santa at Challenger which was nice for mom since all I had to do was come and watch and video. I was in charge of a game for Carson's class party that I forgot about until the very last minute the night before. Needless to say, time searching google and then cutting up Bingo cards and running to the store early the next morning and we were ready to go. I was in charge of Kyle's class's party since I am the room mother. We played the candy bar game, did a book gift exchange, had a Skittle relay and then donuts and pop. We also had a band concert for Kyle and two Christmas performances for his break-dancing. I added a video of the break-dancing below. Anyway, a very very busy week that I have thoroughly enjoyed but am glad it is over!
Kyle Break Dancing!!
I am a proud parent of a 10 year old break-dancer! He is amazing and has come sooooo far in the 3 years he has taken break-dancing. He works really hard and is so much fun to watch. I wanted to share this video of his practices and performances this Christmas. The first part is some of his practices, the second part is a performance at his school and the last performance includes his teacher, Bobby Kuhn, in the black, and some of his teacher's break-dancing crew, "The Blow Up Kings" - they are amazing! It lasts about 4 minutes if you want to watch. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Case of the Missing Wallet
So, Chris's wallet went missing a few days ago, but he didn't tell me anything about it until tonight. Then he started to realize it wasn't going to reappear on its own and enlisted my help to find it. We looked ALL over but it was nowhere to be found. "Where could it be?" we kept asking ourselves. Then......we realized....our cute little mischievous little boy LOVES to throw everything away and, sure enough, Chris went out to the garbage can, looked through the kitchen garbage I had thrown out just that morning, and found his wallet. Very disgusting, but true! What are we going to do with this little boy of ours?!
In the end we are just very grateful that he did not flush it down the toilet and that I didn't get the kitchen garbage out to the trash can BEFORE the garbage man came this morning. These little blessings make our lives so much easier!! We are so thankful!
Monday, December 1, 2008

My sweet, drop-dead gorgeous friend from Colorado, Hailey Babcock, came to spend the weekend here in Utah and I got to see her 3 times - it was awesome! She is my therapist, confidant and friend and I love her dearly. This is a picture of her friend, Rachel, then Hailey, me and Rachel's sister Becca and then Lauren, Rachel's daughter and then Berlin, Hailey's daughter. We all went out before Hailey & Rachel's husband's band show - it ROCKED!!! Hudson River is the BEST!!
Thanksgiving Weekend
We had a fantastic Thanksgiving with Chris's family. The kids played with their cousins and we visited forever. The next day, Chris & I went shopping at 4:30 AM while grandpa watched the kids sleep - what a great grandpa! We got lots of great deals and had fun shopping with the crowds. I loved watching Chris get excited over great prices and watching him run into the stores to beat other shoppers. It was also funny watching him grab things away from people - jk - but we wanted to! We got nearly everything bought over the weekend that we needed and only have a few odds and ends to pick up now - it feels great!! We also enjoyed decorating for Christmas on Saturday - the kids can hardly wait but are torn because they don't want it to be over, either....such a dilema!!
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